Sacramento, El Dorado, and Placer Counties - Dean Rinker, Your "No B.S." Real Estate Advisor

Are You Making This Common Mistake That Could Cost You Thousands When Selling Your Home?

by Dean Rinker

Springtime brings a sense of new beginnings and, for those of you looking to sell your homes, it could not come at a better time. Yes, spring does have its magic, not just for blooming flowers but also for the buzzing real estate market. Historically, spring brings with it an increase in home sales; there’s something about the warmer weather and longer days that gets people thinking about moving and new starts. But as your friendly neighborhood Realtor, I must remind you: even in this hopeful season, setting the right asking price for your home is more crucial than ever.

Here’s the thing, my friends: while the seller’s market might still be in your favor due to the low inventory, overpricing your home can be a costly blunder. You see, the price tag you attach to your listing is more than just a number—it’s a message to potential buyers. Price it too high, and you might as well be saying, “Keep walking, this isn’t the home you’re looking for.” Not quite the message you want to send, right?

Buyers today are savvy; they’re not just looking for a house. They’re hunting for a value—a deal that feels right. With the current economic dance of mortgage rates and home prices, overpricing could lead your home to linger on the market, which is akin to the kiss of death in real estate. You don’t want your home to become that house—one that buyers sidestep because they assume something’s amiss after it’s been listed for too long.

Now, this doesn’t mean you should undervalue your home, either. That’s where I come in. Balancing the scales between a competitive and fair asking price and what the market can bear is part art, part science, and all strategy. By leveraging comparative market analysis and understanding the current climate, we can set a price that attracts buyers, possibly even sparking a bidding war, leading to your home selling quickly and for a pleasing figure.

In summary, while the temptation to aim high is understandable, especially in a seller’s market, the goal is to make your home irresistible to buyers—not just in price but in presentation, too. Together, we can find that sweet spot, ensuring your home stands out for all the right reasons.

Curious about your home’s value in today’s market? Visit Have questions? Please text/call me at 916-508-5353 or email me at [email protected]. I’m always happy to help.

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